NCSSCALC.ZIP 71,455 05-15-95 NCSS Probability Calculator.
NICON30.ZIP 76,198 05-17-95 Nicon v3.0. Icon Editor for ico files. Drawdots, lines, squares, circles, and paint.Clip, flip, or scroll icons in anydirection.
NOSAV10A.ZIP 10,421 05-29-95 NoSave v1.0a. Temporarily disables screensaver without going through the ControlPanel. Does not alter any system or inifiles.
NOTEFX11.ZIP 14,797 05-10-95 NoteFix v1.1. Fix for Notepad to preventloading even if the file is too large toedit. Allows other editors to be specified.
NOW_11.ZIP 231,288 05-09-95 Now! v1.1. Buttons on your desktop let youexit Windows, restart Windows, or restartyour system now!
OLDAPPS.ZIP 25,912 04-10-95 Replacement for winoa386.mod in win/system.Replaces the boring DOS-app icon.
P5MON.ZIP 748,558 04-24-95 Pentium performance monitor for Windows.Displays an oscilloscope-like real-timetrace of two user-selectable CPU events.
PAPER30A.ZIP 115,035 05-08-95 Paper Selector v3.0a. BMP viewer andWindows wallpaper changer. View and choosewallpaper from anywhere on your hard drive,or create a SlideShow right on yourdesktop, while you continue to work!
PASSGN11.ZIP 142,738 04-23-95 Random Password Generator v1.1. Randomlyselects from a group of numbers, letters,or both and select passwords.
PBOX.ZIP 341,678 05-18-95 Post Box v0.96. Displays current FirstClass, and International postal rates, aswell as special services such as RegisteredMail, Priority Mail, Return Receipt, etc.
PCINV96.ZIP 142,526 05-17-95 PC Inventory v0.96. Database for hardwaresettings and driver information, as well asmanufacturer information.
PGPW40.ZIP 741,797 06-01-95 WinPGP v4.0. Shell for PGP has toolbarbuttons, real Windows Help for both WinPGPand PGP.
PICSV3D7.ZIP 268,314 06-01-95 Picture Show Program and Screen Saver v3.7.Shows GIFs, BMPs, PCX, AVI, JPG, etc.
PM11BC.ZIP 495,408 05-04-95 PsioMan 1.1a. File viewer and data managerfor the four PSION Series (3 and) 3a filetypes (Data, Text, Agenda and Sheet).
POPUPCAL.ZIP 149,210 04-20-95 Pop-Up Calendar v1.3. Desktop calendarincludes two different size displays, theability to quickly flip through months andyears, and printing options for a singlemonth or an entire year.
POWER.ZIP 394,811 05-14-95 Secret Message Pro - Createpassword-protected notes on your desktop.
PRGSEC13.ZIP 123,312 06-20-95 Program Manager Security v1.3. Add securityto Program Manager by restricting access tosetup and other windows configurationprograms.
PRJ260.ZIP 595,310 04-18-95 Projector v2.6. Screen Saver and FileSequencer - Plays Movies, Animations andImages with Sound.
PWRM154.ZIP 81,426 04-18-95 Battery Minder v1.54. For use on yournotebook computer.
QEXIT20.ZIP 59,478 05-06-95 QuikExit v2.0. The quick way to exitWindows, restart Windows, or even exitWindows and reboot your computer. Gives youquick access to command line and Windows'Utilities, and has user definable menuitems.
RESOUR10.ZIP 67,356 05-03-95 Resource v1.0. Graphical tool to give theuser vital information. Resource will tellthe user GDI USER and SYSTEM free resourcesin percentage form.
RIGS100.ZIP 48,213 05-24-95 RI-Group Specialist v1.0 <ASP> Makes addingicons to your Program Manager simple:select a group add to and then double clickon the program you want to add.
RPTVW14.ZIP 599,064 04-28-95 Report View v1.4. View, print and extractinformation from reports generated fromother systems and stored as ASCII files onyour PC or network drives.
R_WIN20.ZIP 48,767 04-05-95 Reminder v2.0. Simple and easy to usesoftware that even a kid can use. Remindsyou about the important events every timeyou turn your computer on, start Windows orat your request.
SACRD1WN.ZIP 963,085 05-12-95 Sacred Animals - Fourth in a series ofvisionary art collections whose theme isthe mythic experience. Meet the sacredanimals of the Dreamtime and spirit worldswith this extraordinary collection oforiginal art.
SAFTYNET.ZIP 154,584 05-17-95 Safety Net - Backup program to copy ini,bak and grp files automatically to themedia of your choice.
SAPRO16.ZIP 583,743 04-21-95 SoftAD Pro v1.6. Rapidly assembleinteractive multimedia floppy disk basedprograms; ideal for sales, marketing,corporate reports, book on disk, newproduct announcements, software demos &more.
SAVERV3.ZIP 102,251 04-25-95 Savervisor v3.1. Saver and Wallpapermanager. Provides single-click launching,saver and wallpaper scheduling, and more.
SAVETHIS.ZIP 334,058 04-11-95 Make your own screen savers! Endconglomerate screen saver tyranny. Use yourown graphics, moving text, sound and evenyour own animation.
SAW103.ZIP 422,482 04-24-95 System Analyst v1.03. Diagnostic utilityalong the lines of Norton SI, Q/A Win, etc.
SCRART.ZIP 174,497 04-20-95 Screen Artist. Create your own screensavers using icons or BMP files with avariety displays, including aslideshow/animation sequence, bouncingaround the screen, growing and stretchingand more.
SCRUBB10.ZIP 117,183 05-19-95 Scrubble v1.0. Text Scrambler uses auser-created word list key file to scrambleand unscramble text files. For US domesticuse only.
SCSAVER.ZIP 470,938 04-20-95 StarShip Command Screen Saver <ASP> Letsyou cycle through .BMP files and play .WAVand .MID files on your sound card. Uses astarship bridge command center as thebackground.
SDU292.ZIP 324,162 04-01-95 SAB*Diskette*Utility v2.92 <ASP>Format/copy/ compare/save floppy disketteimages in foreground or background. Read adiskette once and make multiple copies.Save images to hard drive.
SEARCHER.ZIP 172,031 04-19-95 Searcher/16. Scans directories for filesmatching user defined criteria, and canperform basic operations on the found files(copy, move, alter properties, etc.)
SEASCP22.ZIP 120,008 04-17-95 SeaScape v2.2 <ASP> Screen saver whichdisplays relatively realistic fish swimmingand eating; it works with the built-inscreen saver utility.
SHERL300.ZIP 151,357 04-24-95 Sherlock v3.00 <ASP> Dual window ASCII textfile comparison utility that compares twoASCII files line by line.
SIGNWIN.ZIP 313,561 04-02-95 Signature Program allows you to embed asignature object into a document createdwith another Windows application. Thesignature object looks like your ownhand-written signature, and can be printedor transmitted via E Ma
SMCL100F.ZIP 8,803 04-28-95 Small Clock v1.00f. Title bar clock.
SMESME22.ZIP 822,121 05-19-95 Same<>Same v2.2. Transfer files from onecomputer to another via floppy disks.
SMILER31.ZIP 154,891 05-15-95 SmilerShell v3.12. Control center &commandline takes NO screen space!Right-click on roving titlebar button tolaunch from your favorite-apps list, orswitch to running app.
SNAPCAL.ZIP 502,033 05-17-95 SnapView Calendar - Dispalys a fantastic256-color picture for each month of theyear. Slideshow option changes the graphicat different intervals. Includes sampler ofgirls in swimsuits, flowers, space scenes,more.
SNDSVR.ZIP 846,709 05-18-95 SoundSavers Sampler - 3 screen savermodules that actually respond to sound viaWAV files, MIDI files or CD audio.
SPACE167.ZIP 799,260 06-02-95 Space Hound v1.67. Find duplicate files,"sniff out" wasted space and forgottonfiles. Includes printable directory treewhich reports storage usage within nesteddirectories.
SPACEM24.ZIP 117,894 05-09-95 Space Manager v2.40. Searches your disk forwasted space taken up by duplicate DLLfiles or any you specify. Provides ananaysis report as well as a detail reportof space used drop to archive or delete.
SPACEMAP.ZIP 286,993 05-14-95 SpaceMap - Graphs your hard drive spaceusage.
SPACEX.ZIP 662,220 05-13-95 Space Explorer v4.1. Screen saver. You, thecaptain, are traveling through unknownspace. There is a lot of danger ahead - Youmay be hit by meteors, shooting stars,space ships, and more...
SPIRALB1.ZIP 174,882 05-10-95 Spiral - Extended replacement for theNotepad editor. Features unlimited filesize (up to available memory), selectablefont, color selection, adj. Tab width, drag& drop, printing/print preview, saveablesettings.
SPLTW101.ZIP 31,824 04-02-95 SplitWin v1.01. Split big files intosmaller chunks or merge chunks back tooriginal file.
SSE251.ZIP 64,268 05-29-95 Screen Saver Enhancer v2.51. Choose screencorners to automatically activate ordeactivate your Windows screen saver.Replaces the Control Panel screen saveroptions.
STICKIES.ZIP 326,573 05-17-95 Stickies! v3.1. Bote Manager creates andprints up to 45 on-screen notes and storeup to 1,000 notes in a "file cabinet".
STILE19J.ZIP 156,668 06-11-95 Stiletto v1.9j. Tiny bar launcher/utilityfeaturing: small footprint (fits in titlebar); any mouse button starts a command;multiple bars; direct access to progmgr/shell commands; multiple launchmenus/submenus; more.
SUPERNB.ZIP 1,956,815 04-16-95 Super Notebook - Personal informationmanager with all sorts of differentcategories to store your information under.
SUPMON.ZIP 256,503 06-11-95 SuperMon - Track your Windows, Win95, WFW,& NT User, GDI, RAM, & Virtual (Swap)resource usage. Only program of kind inindustry. Determine how much memory youshould purchase and much much more...
SWD11A.ZIP 543,781 04-04-95 Silver Wolf v1.1a. Desktop gives you aMacintosh folder/document file manager andother even more intuitive ways to use yourcomputer.
SYSCHART.ZIP 332,771 05-14-95 SysChart - Charts information about yoursystem.
SYSFILE.ZIP 250,774 05-14-95 SysFile - Powerful and flexible replacementfor SysEdit. Includes Delphi source code.
TAGIT114.ZIP 158,563 06-16-95 TagIt v1.14. Adds a new user interface.Lets you jump back and forth among previouswindow views with Hot Keys. You can alsoleave markers on portions you may want torefer to again.
TASKBAR.ZIP 250,347 05-15-95 TaskBar v1.0. Replaces Task Manager. Buildsa toolbar of all the current applicationsrunning. This bar can then be used toswitch to any application by simplyclicking on its icon.
TOONSV11.ZIP 822,589 05-20-95 Toon Saver v1.10. Cartoon screen saverfeaturing original art by Tom Carlino.Style rich in color, depth and detail withcomical themes. Includes "BlockHead","Bucky", "Castle", "Gallows", "NiteCruise", "Faces" and more.
TTFP11.ZIP 362,242 04-20-95 TTFPlus v1.1. Directly view and print fontswithout having to add them through ControlPanel.
UNICLOCK.ZIP 68,558 05-05-95 Uniclock - Designed to give the user accessto a maximum of 10 time zonessimultaneously. Fast access to the clocks,Easy Interface, Alarms for each clock.
UTILPAC1.ZIP 298,640 04-18-95 Utility Pack I: Collection of handyhelpers. Includes: NewPaper, SwapPaper,TinyClock, TinyMon and WinExec.
UZPWR140.ZIP 76,854 04-08-95 UZPower v1.40. Battery Power Monitor forpower-managed laptop and desktop computerswhich do not have this critical feature.
VBSYS252.ZIP 121,950 04-27-95 VBSys v2.52. System monitor standard andbar version. Supports Windows '95. Verycomprehensive.
VBZAPPUR.ZIP1,034,486 05-20-95 VBZapper v1.10.05.21. Multiple filelocating and managing tool and filetracking database and utility program.Allows location of and manipulating andstoring the data from all windows and dosfiles on your computers hard
VBZIPUR.ZIP 1,258,219 05-01-95 VBZipper v1.20.05.21. Multiple filecompression tool and file tracking databaseand utility program. Allows zipping andunzipping, repairing zip files and alsocreating and extracting zip2exe and .ARCfiles.
VERTMENU.ZIP 47,706 04-09-95 VerticalMenu v3.10. Makes it possible toselect the topmenu of the active window,from wherever the cursor is at the moment,therefore saving armmovement.
VISFIL13.ZIP 84,849 04-14-95 Visual File Manager v1.3. File managementsystem which implements an environment forfile and program manipulation similar toMacintosh's Finder.
VLT16108.ZIP 301,561 05-28-95 Vault v1.08 for Windows. Vault stores yourinformation as an outline. Organizes yourinformation into categories andsub-categories that you specify. Searchcommand finds the information you needinstantly.
WALL14.ZIP 158,002 04-14-95 Wallpaper Manager v1.40. Schedule wallpaperchanges hourly or custom design your ownschedule. Includes new bitmaps for your use.
WATCH21.ZIP 357,930 06-05-95 WinWatch v2.1. Resource monitor and systemdiagnostics utility.
WCPD20.ZIP 63,569 05-27-95 Complete Program Deleter v2.0. Removes allfiles and directories added to a disk byany installation utility, and restoresAUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, SYSTEM.INI, andWIN.INI.
WDATE36.ZIP 59,352 04-05-95 WingDate v3.6. Date Reminder. Perfect forthe STARTUP Group. Provides a quick visualreminder of upcoming important events withthe current date highlighted. Dates andEvents can easily be added, updated, anddeleted.
WDIR30.ZIP 37,330 06-01-95 WingDir v3.0. Directory match and compareprogram that enables you to easily comparetwo directories, side by side; files can bemoved/copied/deleted from the sourcedirectory.
WDUMP130.ZIP 102,703 05-14-95 Win Dump v1.30. Display and print files inhex and ASCII.
WDUPE41.ZIP 453,499 04-26-95 Win Dupe v4.1. Searches one or all diskdrives (including network) to find allEXACT duplicate files. Allows you to viewthe file details by name, size, date andtime, and to delete them safely.
WEVNT207.ZIP 193,828 05-08-95 WinEvent v2.0. Event Scheduler & 'Quick'Exit. Schedule programs to startunattended, reminder messages to popup andprograms to unload at a specified time.
WFIND30.ZIP 103,468 04-03-95 File Finder v3.0 <ASP> Powerful file searchprogram can search all drives, includingnetworked drives, and most popular archivetypes.
WGRAPH13.ZIP 298,817 05-19-95 Win Graphit v1.30. Create and print graphs,bar graphs, pie charts, line and ganttcharts.
WGRP100.ZIP 51,900 06-04-95 WinGroup v1.0. Create password protectedgroups. Icons inside the groups can beprograms, document, or NESTED groups. Iconscan be password protected for creation,opening, property modification and deletion.
WINBAG12.ZIP 303,388 05-31-95 WinBag v1.2. Includes a Calendar, CPUspeedometer, Disk Pie graphs, WindowsResource graphs, and a dice game. Easy touse. Install and go. Fully customizable.
WINBAG33.ZIP 204,160 05-26-95 Windows Tool Bag v3.3. Disk formatter, twohandy Dir's for floppy drives A and B, minifile manager, background formatter, more.
WINDOC.ZIP 361,185 04-20-95 WinDoctor - The Installation Detective.Tracks all changes made to your Windowssystem during installation of a newapplication.
WINGAG21.ZIP 95,458 05-23-95 WinGage v2.1. Resource Monitor that showsfree system resources and the current dateand time in a small 3D style box.
WINMAN19.ZIP 222,759 06-02-95 Win Manager v1.90. Incorporates the searchdisk features of FMSeek and in additionwill allow you to add programs to theprogram manager, change icons, add groups,execute programs.
WINMEM20.ZIP 131,855 06-03-95 WinMem v2.0. Gets rid of insufficientmemory to Run errors that occur when aWindows program can't get enough lower DOSmemory.
WINPRT2.ZIP 372,071 06-07-95 WinProtect v2.0. Protection program allowsnot only a watertight password protectionbut also a Feature Restriction menu whichallows a Feature Restriction menu whichallows the restriction of Program Managerfunctions.
WINSAV_A.ZIP1,304,818 05-08-95 Winsave v1.0. Screen saver dispalys aslideshow of five beautiful 256-colorpictures. 1/2.
WINSAV_B.ZIP 232,593 05-08-95 Winsave v1.0. 2/2.
WINTWEAK.ZIP 435,320 05-15-95 WinTweak v2.1. Control and set a number ofundocumented Windows settings. Interactivedesign gives complete explanations of allfunctions. Adjust Windows speed settings,mouse shadows, font menu displays, more.
WMEMO10.ZIP 844,587 04-21-95 WinMemo v1.0. Notepad replacement whichuses a new dbase style format! Offers largescreen viewing and editing! Loads as a Iconready for your use anytime.
WMENU.ZIP 173,374 05-15-95 WinMenu Standalone Edition v6.0. Menusystem that supports up to 1600 menu items.
WNOTE10.ZIP 405,904 04-28-95 WinNote v1.0. NotePad replacement allowsMulti-Document Open with Cut&Paste! Nowstore your notes the easy way.
WNPTH131.ZIP 136,820 05-16-95 WinPath v1.31. Path & environment manager,providing a logical extension of the DOSPATH/SET commands for use in the Windowsenvironment.
WSAVER40.ZIP 18,133 04-18-95 Win Saver v4.0. Screen saver that cyclesbetween 14 different screen savers withinthe same program to give you a variety.
WWPLS200.ZIP 420,186 05-25-95 WWPlus v2.0. Wallpaper manager/screen saverwith many custom features including anoption to turn wallpapers into a screensaver.
XMENU12.ZIP 217,086 05-04-95 X-Menu v1.2. Instantly available withoutany searching. Just click a mouse buttonand your favorite applications along with15 onboard system tools await your command.Choose from 3D and Windows menu looks.
ZAPIT31.ZIP 24,458 05-26-95 Zapit! v3.1. Norton's Scriptmaker utilityto attach multimedia files to differentprograms/icons in Norton's desktop forWindows v3.0.
ZCB31.ZIP 435,224 05-24-95 Zip Code Book v3.1. Zip code (and city,state, area code) lookup program. Enter azip code to instantly bring up thecorresponding city, state, county and areacode. Or enter the city name and state tofind the zip code.
ZCLW10.ZIP 396,616 05-25-95 Zip Code Locator v1.0. Displays the Cityand State when given a Zip Code. Alsoallows the first Zip Code in a region to befound when the City and State are specified.
ZPLY22.ZIP 313,558 04-18-95 Z-Play v2.2. Animation Screensaver whichplays .FLI, .FLC, and .AVI files as well asBitmap slideshows! Also plays .WAV audioand MIDI files.
ZPROW215.ZIP 475,058 04-25-95 ZIP'R Pro v2.15 <ASP> Stores programs incompressed form when they are not beingused. Use to automatically decompress aprogram, execute it, and recompress itagain.